How to access the module?

Gemini Review

Last Update setahun yang lalu

1. After registering on our website, you have to enroll in our modules via membership process, to do that you need to start with Module 1.

2. Go to Modules ( ) and select Module 1

3. On Module 1, you will find this information - Description, Curriculum, FAQS, Announcements, and Review. You can explore this area here.

4. Now Click the Get Course and then it will drop down a new button "Available in ETEEAP 1 - 2 plan" click that one.

5. Then you will be redirected to the checkout process where you upload your receipt.

6. Click SUBMIT and CHECKOUT and wait for the approval. You will also receive an email confirmation about your payment.

7. Now, you will have to wait for our staff to check your receipt and information. You will be confirmed within a day. Once we confirm your enrollment, you will receive an email again that we have approved your account.

8. Lastly, refresh the page and click the GREEN Button again, and then Enroll with Membership. You will be redirected to Video Lesson.

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